Kaleco, Your SAS Expert And Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
Kaleco is a data expert company based in Paris. We offer high quality consulting activities in various SAS domains and specially on the SAS Anti-Money Laundering solution.
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SAS Anti Money Laundering
- Helps you identify key scenarii or develop new ones that are related to your business needs
Reduce the number of the false-positive alerts thanks to scenario fine tuning and machine learning algorithms
Customize user interface and the underlying process so that it corresponds to your real/new needs
Customize the alert workflow so that it adheres to your internal process
Optimize the utilization of watch list (Load speed and utilization of fuzzy logic in the matches)
Gather information and prepare for regulator audit
Migration from one SAS AML version to the latest version
Data Management And Business Intelligence
Extract Transform and Load your organization's your data in the SAS solution
Administer the solution (scheduling, add users, back-up)
Improve the daily batch run operational efficiency (ETL, Alert Generation Process, Risk Assessment Process)
Create/modify VA reports
Migration from one SAS version to the latest version
What services do we offer?
SAS Anti Money Laundering
We have extensive experience in the design and implementation of complex anti-money laundering systems in the fields of banking, insurance and mutual societies.
Data Management And Business Analytics
In order to get precision in their analysis, a good understanding and handling of data is required. Kaleco Consulting has a solid experience in building robust analysis solutions where data management is the basis.
Tools like SAS Visual Analytics allow anyone to quickly create visualizations of their information - it's almost a little too easy.
SAS Viya
Seduced by SAS Viya? We help you in the adoption of that new platform and make sure you migration projects are successful
How can we help you?
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Kaleco Is Owned By Cédric HANQUEZ, SAS Solution Architect With 20 Years Of Experience In SAS (16 Years Working As A Consultant For SAS Institute France).
We Are Located Near Paris And You Can Contact Us With The Following Information.
Phone: +33 6 24 26 05 15